Retirement Savers Benefit From Changes to 401(k)s

David Schneider, Schneider Wealth Strategies • Apr 05, 2020

U.S. News & World Report – March 13, 2020

This article discusses the SECURE ACT. In it, David Schneider explains that the SECURE ACT “is considered the biggest set of changes to retirement legislation in more than 10 years.”

He cautions that new rules requiring death distributions to be taken over 10 years or less, can have huge tax consequences for people who inherit retirement accounts, stating “When most people inherit money, they are probably in their peak earning years – in their 40s or 50s.” He adds “If they inherited an IRA in peak earning years and are forced to take large distributions when their tax bracket is already high, they can be bumped into an even higher bracket.”

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By David Schneider 22 Jul, 2024
Financial Planning Magazine, July 3, 2024 Financial Planning Magazine recently asked advisors to answer a reader's question about the fairness of a scenario in which a woman's boyfriend owned a home, but she was paying half the mortgage. The reader felt the situation was unfair since the girlfriend was helping him build his equity, yet she had no home ownership. Mr. Schneider answered by saying, "I understand how you feel, but if your sister isn't paying more than 50% of the fair market rent for the home, plus half of the ongoing monthly expenses, she is being treated fairly. She doesn't have the right to live in the house without contributing to the monthly expenses simply because her boyfriend's name is on the deed. Given the fact that she is paying $600 now versus the $1,350 per month for her last apartment, she's probably making out pretty well." Read more 
By David Schneider 09 Feb, 2024 - January 20, 2024 In this article about retirement income, David A. Schneider states, “Many people can benefit from waiting until 70 to collect Social Security since it is the only government-guaranteed, inflation-protected income source.” The article says, “Schneider points to the fact that filing for benefits early can hurt your monthly payout while waiting to claim after full retirement age can boost your benefit 8 percent a year. The upshot: If you claim at age 62, you can earn a check that’s just 70 percent of your full retirement benefit, while if you wait, you can boost your payout to about 124 percent of your full benefit.” Read More:
By David Schneider 11 Jan, 2024 - December 30, 2023 This MarketWatch article discusses planning strategies for people approaching retirement. In the article, David Schneider states, “Make sure you have a plan. If you don’t do the planning, you really won’t have a successful retirement,” adding, “Your 50s are a really important time to be very serious,” and to “Hunker down and get serious. Every investment needs to be prudent and diversified. Increase any savings, if possible. Make catch-up contributions, if possible.” Read More:
27 Dec, 2023
Fortune- July 31, 2023 This article discusses the pros and cons of owning bank CDs in an IRA. In the article, David Schneider points out that “In order to get the best yields, you’re going to have to shop around and find the banks offering the most attractive rates at the time you’re funding the IRA,” and adds, “That could mean opening lots of small accounts at different institutions based on what was attractive at the time, which can be a nightmare to manage as the CDs mature.” He also mentions “If you compare a CD with a maturity of five years or less to a corporate bond of the same maturity, you’re usually going to get a better yield with a CD.” He also notes that “In general, by laddering and taking your maturing dollars and putting them in a longer-term CD, you’ll end up averaging the higher rates from longer-term CDs,” says Schneider. Read More:
By David Schneider, Schneider Wealth Strategies 20 Jun, 2022
Investment News – June 20, 2022 This Investment News article weighed the pros and cons of direct indexing, a strategy that uses individual stocks instead of ETFs and funds as the building blocks of an indexing strategy. The article states “David Schneider, founder of Schneider Wealth Strategies, is also a fan of direct indexing for… Continue Reading Direct indexing gains appeal as taxable losses mount
By David Schneider, Schneider Wealth Strategies 04 Jun, 2022 – May 25, 2022 This Forbes article discusses the Federal Reserve, interest rates and the risk of a recession. In it, David Schneider points out that “An economic downtown is undoubtedly possible. That said, it is worth noting that the yield curve that has the best track record of predicting recessions” He notes that… Continue Reading May FOMC Minutes: Big Rate Hikes On Tap At June And July Fed Meetings
By David Schneider, Schneider Wealth Strategies 03 Mar, 2022 – January 19, 2022 This article discusses HELOCs and how to get the best rate on them. In the article, David Schneider states that “Generally, I advise people to go to their local banks because they will be interested in those loans.” The article also says that “borrowers may be surprised by just how… Continue Reading One surprising thing people think is a dealbreaker to getting a home equity loan or HELOC
By David Schneider, Schneider Wealth Strategies 21 Sep, 2021 – September 8, 2021 This article outlines the benefits and risks of home equity lines of credit. In the article, David Schneider states that “borrowers need to make sure they can afford higher payments when rates go up,” adding “Don’t be fooled by teaser rates,” which might be a low rate for the first… Continue Reading Some HELOC rates now start below 3%. Tempting, but is a home equity line of credit right for you?
By David Schneider, Schneider Wealth Strategies 24 Jun, 2021
Investor’s Business Daily- May 7, 2021 Investor’s Business Daily recently asks David A. Schneider about international investments. In the article, he pointed out that “given the recent performance of international markets, people aren’t necessarily thrilled about international diversification,” and added, “but I tell clients that a substantial part of the world’s wealth is outside the… Continue Reading When Clients Resist Owning Global Stocks, Advisors Build Their Case
By David Schneider, Schneider Wealth Strategies 04 May, 2021 April 26, 2021 This article talks about 5 good reasons to refinance a mortgage. In it David Schneider points out that savings from a refinance can be used to boost retirement savings and also suggests that some homeowners might want to refinance to a fixed-rate “particularly if something is changing in your life, like… Continue Reading 5 Smart Reasons To Refinance Your Mortgage Right Now
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